Tip of the Week – Be The Better Person


Tus nqi no ncej
Los ntawm Pure Matrimony -

Allah SWT tells us that he will test us with our children and families. Our relationships with our family are the most important of all, and no matter how many arguments happen between family members, Allah SWT has forbidden us to break ties.

The following hadith reminds us of the importance of maintaining ties even if we have been hurt or offended:

The Messenger of Allah SAW said “It is not lawful for a Muslim to desert (stop talking to) his brother beyond three nights, the one turning one way and the other turning to the other way when they meet, the better of the two is one who is first to greet the other” Al-Bukhari and Muslim

Feeling like you never want to speak to a particular person is normal – and we all know people who have mastered the art of irritating us and causing conflict.

Tiam sis, we should remember that these ill-feelings should be controlled and that we have no more than 3 days to overcome it and re-establish contact and reunite. And as the hadith concludes, the better person is the one who initiates the greeting. May Allah SWT make us people who are humble enough to act upon this advice, Ameen.

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