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Door Zuiver huwelijk -

Auteur: Zuiver huwelijk

Als je al een tijdje op zoek bent naar een partner, wanhoop niet.

Want juist in deze wachttijd word je geduldig op de proef gesteld.

Allah SWT says in many places in the Quran that patience is one of the virtues of the people of Jannah

We are commanded to remain patient when afflicted with misfortune and to seek help through prayer:

“And seek help in patience and As-Salaah (het gebed) and truly, it is extremely heavy and hard except for Al-Khaashi‘oon [d.w.z. the true believers in Allaah — those who obey Allaah with full submission, fear much from His punishment, and believe in His Promise (paradijs) and in His Warnings (Hel)]” [Surah Baqarah 2:54]

Door Mohammed ash-Shareef, Allah SWT acknowledges that remaining patient is a difficult thing to do, but also explains that this is the hallmark of the believer.

In een ander vers, Allah SWT specifically says He is with the patient:

“Surely, Allaah is with those who are As‑Saabiroon (the patient)” [Surah Anfaal 6:46]

Patience has a special virtue in Islam:

'Inderdaad, the patient will be given their reward WITHOUT account.’ [Surah Az-Zumar 39:10]

The Scholars of tafseer have explained this verse to mean that you will be given your reward in the akhirah (Jannah) without having to go through the scale that other people will.

Subhan'Allah! What a beautiful reward for the ones who are patient!

If you’ve been searching for a spouse for a while now and it’s not yet happening, then this is proof that He SWT wants good for you.

But you must understand that patience means having full acceptance of Allah’s decree.

Making a lot of dua and not despairing of His Mercy or complaining about your situation.

It’s perfectly normal to feel upset, depressed or become anxious when you can’t find a suitable spouse – but there’s great wisdom behind you struggling to find the one.

The real test of your patience is you placing your trust in Allah that HE will do what is best for YOU.

As long as YOU keep striving towards your end goal of marriage

This means you continue to talk to potential prospects and not become restless or impatient because it’s not happening.

Allah indeed rewards the patient, but He SWT also commands us to take action.

Signing up for a service like Zuiver huwelijk is perfect if you’re single and practising and want to find a like-minded spouse.

But the key thing here is to keep striving and knowing that as long as you keep trying.

Your time will come one day insha’Allah.

Onthouden, if it’s not happening for you, don’t lose hope – rather increase in your istighfar and duas

Remain content in knowing that Allah SWT is with you and you WILL by His permission, find a suitable spouse.

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