UKENS TIPS: Vet vi hva vi sier?


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Backbiting is a grave sin, and the one who does it will be punished on the day of Judgement by giving their good deeds to the person they have backbitten against. If they have no good deeds to give, then they will have to take the bad deeds of the person they have been backbiting about. Backbiting is also a sin which can lead someone to hell fire. Today backbiting is not just done verbally but via text, e-mail, Facebook or Twitter and it has become a very light matter. Some people who are mindful that they backbite often say ‘what I am saying is true and well I would say it to their face so it’s not really backbiting.’ But does such a person know what backbiting actually is?

Abu Hurayrah (radiyAllahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayi-wasallam) sa: 'Do you know what is backbiting? The companions said, ‘Allah and His Messenger know best.’ Thereupon the Prophet said, ‘Backbiting is to talk about your brother in a manner which he does not like.’ [Sahih muslim]

This means that even saying something that to someone’s face whether it’s true or not, if it is something that they would dislike, then this is backbiting. As Muslims we should have the best of manners, and even if we do not like something about someone we should keep quiet unless we are seeking advice about the situation.

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