Tip of The Week – Spend Out Of What You Love!

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'Bu̲ Binu 'me̲hñä -

True charity is not giving away things you no longer need. True charity is when you give away things you really love – something that would make you think many times over before you give it to the poor. Allah SWT says in the Quran:

‘By no means shall you attain al-birr (righteousness) until you spend (in Allaah’s cause) of that which you love’ [Al ‘Imraan 3:92]

We have all done it – gone through our clothes and possessions and put our old things into charity. In truth, these are not the things which Allah refers to as helping us attain righteousness. Jar gu̲ki makwäni, Allah wants the very best for us, so giving away things which we have a real love for is a test for us. And as everyone knows, it’s only when we are tested with that which we love and bear it with patience that we gain any reward.

Also remember that spare change is not going to help you attain jannah! You’ll only become amongst the most righteous when you give out of your hard earned wealth and do so without complaining and without boasting. May Allah help us all to attain al-birr, Amin.

Binu 'me̲hñä

.... Ho ar práctica xí ar perfección

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