So what's the story so far?

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By Pure Matrimony -

Pure Matrimony Story So far image

Bismillah hir rahman nir rahim

Asalam Alaikum,

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Many of you are wondering when will Mercy Mission launch Pure Matrimony, why is it taking so long? So today we launch this blog to keep you all updated on what is happening with Pure Matrimony and more importantly, this blog is here to allow you to interact with us and offer us your valuable feedback anonymously.

As you are aware we have been developing Pure Matrimony now for almost a year. The team behind the development of this website are the very same talented team of developers that brought and developed the following websites,, and to you. So you can imagine what the design and development quality of Pure Matrimony will be like.

No stone is being left unturned in making this a website into a viable and long term solution to bringing the students of knowledge and the God conscience together. Our fundamental aim is to bring a solution which is simple to use but consists of all the Advanced functionality that will enable and facilitate your search for a Marriage partner.

So when will we launch? There have been a number reasons why the launch has been delayed. One of which is that we keep adding more features to the website and of course this ends up delaying the launch. At this point all we can say is that the launch is very close and we will be announcing our launch plan soon insh’Allah.

In the meanwhile please feel free to ask questions here.

Finally, we wish you All Eid Mubarak

Wasalam Alaikum

7 Comments to So what's the story so far?

  1. Salaam
    I have one question, my question is that is there any other shaikh other than shaikh taufique chowdury also reviewing this wesite, not to say that i have douts regarding shaikh taufique chowdury, alhamdulillah i have utmost respect for the shaikh and love him for the sake of Allah subhanahu watala. I just want to know so if im asked regarding the website i can tell them who has aproved of the website. Jazakallah khair
    also i have a suggestion that it could be made compulsory for sisters to copy their guardian in all the conversations so there will be no fitnah inshallah.

    • AlKauthar Institute have approved Pure Matrimony. AlKauthar Institute consists of a body of Sheikhs collectively and is headed by Sheikh Tawfique Chowdhury.

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