Tip Of The Week- Be Clothed With Nobility

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By Pure Matrimony -

Author: Pure Matrimony

Imagine how terrifying the day of judgement will beon that day every mother will forget her child and every man shall be for himself and himself alone.

On this day Allah SWT will bring forth all you have done – the good and the bad and your final destination of either heaven or hell will also be decided. So what could be more perfect than to save yourself from that terrible day with the mercy of Salah and your love of the Qur’an?

Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, The Quran will be brought on the Day of resurrection and it will say for its reciter: O Lord, decorate him. So he will be clothed with a crown of nobility. Then it will say: O Lord, give him more. So he will be clothed with a suit of nobility. Then it will say: O Lord, be pleased with him. So Allah will be pleased with him and He will say: Recite and rise up, be increased for every good verse.(Tirmidhi)

When Allah is pleased with you, He will surely forgive you and admit you to paradise. Let us all be from among those who love the Qur’an and live and die by it so that Allah SWT may be pleased with us – ameen.


Pure Matrimony

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