Porada tygodnia – Cnoty Salat-Ul-Duha

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Autor: Czyste małżeństwo

One of the best charitable acts you can do is to establish the regular prayer of Salat-ul-Duha which is the Forenoon prayer.

This salat is a form of Sadaqa. Abu Dharr narrated that the Prophet (PIŁA) powiedział, “Every morning there is on the bones and joints of any of you a charitable act. Every saying of ‘SubhaanAllahis a charitable act; every saying of ‘Alhumdullilahis a charitiable act and every saying of ‘Laa illaaha illallahis a charitable act; every saying ‘Allahu akbar’ is a charitable act; ordering good is a chartiable act; eradicating evil is a charitable act. To fulfill that charity, it is sufficient to pray two rakat of the forenoon.” (muzułmański 364)

It’s important to note that Salat-ul-Duha was a tradition of all of the prophets (peace be upon all of them) including the Prophet Muhammad (PIŁY). As a matter of fact, Prophets Dawud, Sulaiman, and Ayyub (JAK) are all called “Awwab” in the Qur’an and performed this prayer.

powinien dokonać ablucji”., Abu Hurajra (NA ZEWNĄTRZ) powiedział,

“The Prophet (PIŁA) advised me to do three (Najłatwiejsza droga do Jannah): fast three days out of every month, pray two rak’ahs in the forenoon and to perform the witr prayer before I sleep (at night).” (Saheeh Al-Bukhaari)

The forenoon prayer is known by many names including Chaast and Ishrak, but was referred to as Salat-ul-Duha. You can offer between 2 rakah as a minimum to 8 rakah maximum, based on this hadith:

Umm Haaninarrated that on the day of the Conquest of Makkah, Wysłannik Allaha (PIŁA) bathed in her house and then prayed eight rak’ahs. (Bukhari, muzułmański)

Salatul-Duha can be prayed any time from 15 minutes AFTER the sun has completely risen to around 10 minutes BEFORE the Dhuhr prayer – and this was the opinion of Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen.

It is better to pray it after the sun’s heat has become intense, ponieważ Prorok (PIŁA) powiedział: “It is preferable to offer Dhuhaa prayer when the sun’s heat has become so intense that even the young of the camels feel it.” (muzułmański)

Salat-ul-Duha is the ideal prayer for anyone who struggles with Tahajjud or simply wants to fulfil their act of charity each day.

Czyste małżeństwo

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