Reporting Members, شيخ علاء السيد طرفان
Sheikh Alaa Elsayed on the importance of reporting inappropriate behaviour Find your pious better half by registering with NOW! جهڙوڪ 'خالص شادي’ on Facebook and be a part of...
Sheikh Alaa Elsayed on the importance of reporting inappropriate behaviour Find your pious better half by registering with NOW! جهڙوڪ 'خالص شادي’ on Facebook and be a part of...
Sheikh Musleh Khan advises brothers the definition, importance and obligation of keeping a beard If you are a Single Muslim and want to meet a Pious Spouse the Halal Way...
A large number of modest Muslim brothers and sisters abstain from falling into affairs out of marriage – but is it enough? Marriage is a topic that tickles anyone who...
ڇا توهان جاڳندا آهيو محسوس ڪيو ڄڻ ته زندگي جو ڪو مقصد ناهي? ڇا توهان پنهنجا گهڻا ڏينهن ڳوڙها ۽ اداس گذاريندا آهيو? ڇا توهان هر روز ذريعي حاصل ڪرڻ لاء جدوجهد ڪري رهيا آهيو?...
Do you know the rulings behind the mahr? What about knowing who can and can’t be your mahrams? What about walis – do you know their rights over you in...
رمضان هڪ اهڙو وقت آهي جڏهن توهان پنهنجو پاڻ کي عبادت ۾ لڳايو, ۽ مومن لاء, هن جي ايمان جو حقيقي امتحان اهو آهي ته هو ان کان پوءِ چڱا عمل جاري رکي. هڪ اهڙو...
Do your parents put the pressure on as soon as a good marriage proposal comes through? Are your parents forcing you into marrying someone you really don’t want to? Do...
توهان مان ڪيترن کي عيد جون مشهور سنتون معلوم آهن جيڪي امام سعد عه جن جون آهن. المسيب - الله تعاليٰ ان تي رحم ڪري - فرمايو: فطر جي سنت ٽن شين تي مشتمل آهي:...