هفتي جو ٽپ – پنھنجا ارادا چيڪ ڪريو!

پوسٽ جي درجه بندي

هن پوسٽ جي درجه بندي ڪريو
پاران خالص شادي -

Intentions should always be checked before you do anything in your life. As we are advised by the Prophet SAW who said:

Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger, his migration was for Allah and His messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated. [بخاري و مسلم]

This is especially true of any charitable act you do. There are many instances of people who give to charity only to be seen of others and unfortunately, when this happens, then the full reward can never be achieved.

So our advice is that whenever you do anything good in Islam, always start first by checking your intentions and understand that unless you do it purely for Allah’s sake, there is little reward in it for you.

May Allah SWT give us all the guidance to do things for his sake and his sake only, آمين.

خالص شادي

….جتي مشق مڪمل ڪري ٿي

توھان جي ويب سائيٽ تي ھي مضمون استعمال ڪرڻ چاھيو ٿا, بلاگ يا نيوز ليٽر? توھان کي ڀليڪار آھي ته ھن معلومات کي ٻيهر ڇپائي سگھو جيستائين توھان ھيٺ ڏنل معلومات شامل ڪريو:ذريعو: www.PureMatrimony.com - مسلمانن جي مشق ڪرڻ لاءِ دنيا جي سڀ کان وڏي شادي واري سائيٽ

هن مضمون سان پيار? اسان جي تازه ڪاري لاء سائن اپ ڪندي وڌيڪ سکو هتي:https://www.muslimmarriageguide.com

يا اسان سان رجسٽر ٿيو پنهنجو اڌ دين ڳولڻ لاءِ انشاءَ الله:www.PureMatrimony.com




جواب ڇڏي وڃو

توهان جو اي ميل پتو شايع نه ڪيو ويندو. گهربل فيلڊ نشان لڳل آهن *


چيڪ ڪريو اسان جي نئين موبائل ايپ!!

مسلم شادي گائيڊ موبائل ايپليڪيشن