Ako vytvoriť rovnováhu medzi pracovným a súkromným životom: Rozhovor so Saiyidou Zaidi

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Autor: Čisté manželstvo -

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Vytváranie rovnováhy medzi pracovným a súkromným životom – An Exclusive Interview With Sister Saiyyidah Zaidi From Millionaire Muslimah

Manželstvo, deti, práca, čas pre Alaha – all of these things are important, but few of us get the balance between all of these things right! So how exactly do you ensure you give everything it’s due right?

Join Sister Arfa Saira from Pure Matrimony as she interviews top business coach and serial entrepreneur Sister Saiyyidah Zaidi about this very topic!

Sister Saiyyidah is the brains behind ‘Millionaire Muslimah’ – an amazing organisation dedicated to providing financial information for sisters looking to build a successful business from home.

To learn more about Sister Saiyyidah, please go do: http://www.saiyyidah.com/

Find out about Millionaire Muslimah here: http://www.millionairemuslimah.com/
Or you can connect with her via Facebook na: https://www.facebook.com/saiyyidahzaidi

For your FREE 7 denná skúška čistého manželstva, simply go do: https://purematrimony.com/podcasting/

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