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Avtor: Sh. Abu Aaliyah Surkheel


Allah ﷻ informs in the Holy Qur’an: Made beautiful for mankind is the love of desires for women and offspring, of hoarded heaps of gold and silver, of branded horses, cattle and plantations. [3:14]

Although such things are elsewhere spoken of positively in the Qur’an, as blessings for which people should be thankful, here they are spoken of seductively in terms of objects which men lust over, crave and covet.

Unsurprisingly, women top the list. This fact rings loudly in a hadith in which the Prophet ﷺ informed: ‘I have not left after me a fitnah more harmful for men than women.’1 It’s a warning that only a fool or a fasiq would be keen to overlook or take lightly. Drugi hadis pravi: "Svet je zelen in sladek in Allah vas je postavil vanj kot skrbnike, da bi videli, kako se obnašate.". Zato bodite pozorni na svet in bodite previdni do žensk; prvi fitnah Izraelovih otrok je bilo povezano z ženskami.’2

Če alkohol zlomi zavore, se bodo ljudje spolno obnašali tako, kot se običajno ne bi, ko bi bili trezni, potem je hudič še močnejši pri odstranjevanju skromnosti, meje in zavore med spoloma. Poslanec ﷺ je rekel: 'Ženska je 'avrah;kadarkoli gre ven, hudič jo polepša.’3

Beseda 'avrah, pogosto prevedeno v angleščino kot "golota", lahko pomeni tudi šibkost, ranljivost ali nekaj, kar je neprimerno in nespodobno.4 Ženske veljajo za 'avrah zaradi njihove zaželenosti. V islamu, the feminine form – desirable, alluring and sensuous in the privacy of the marital home – should not be made to appear so in the public sphere. It’s not just the objectifying male gaze that demeans or threatens women; sometimes some women need saving from their own intemperate selves.

Seveda, in our e-world awash with sin, porn and the sexualisation of even children, such revealed wisdom is unlikely to be received with the openness it would have done in a not so long ago age. Notions of modesty, decency or respectability with regard to how the sexes should interact are utterly alien to our consumer-driven, sexually-charged culture. To even suggest, as Islam does, that there could be a modest or dignified way of being a ‘lady’ (in, seveda, a ‘gentleman’) je izzivanje posmeha ali zaničevanja pogosto nekritične javnosti: nekateri morda celo kričijo mizoginijo. Prej sem pisal o sodobnih interakcijah med spoloma v Brade, Hidžabi & Govorica telesa: Odnosi med spoloma, zato se bom omejil na teh nekaj pripomb:

Načela skromnosti, zadržanost in spoštovanje sta že dolgo izpisana iz naših družbenih norm in navad, in to je moralo vplivati ​​tudi na muslimanski odnos. En hadis pravi: »Skromnost in vera sta tesna spremljevalca; če enega od njih odstranimo, drugi sledi.«5 Dejansko, saj muslimani sami začnejo omiliti ta načela, ali jih kompromitirati v upanju, da bodo dobrodošli za mizo liberalne občutljivosti, lahko morda vidimo, kam je pripeljalo druge, kam bi se lahko odpravili tudi mi?

It’s not just the hijab or niqab we’re talking about. It runs far deeper than that. It’s about much more than just the externals. It’s about how one behaves; it’s about how one carries themselves; of how one disposes their soul towards the opposite gender. Ultimately, it’s about the heart’s purity and its attachment to its Lord.

Allah ﷻ commands: Tell believing men to lower their gaze and guard their modesty. That will be purer for them. For Allah is aware of what they do.[24:30]. On citing this verse, Ibn al-Qayyim noted:

‘Allah put purification after lowering one’s gaze and guarding the private parts. This is why restraining the gaze from the forbidden necessitates three benefits of great worth and tremendous significance. Prvič, [experiencing] the sweetness and delight of faith that is far sweeter, pleasant or delightful than that which the gaze was left, or averted from, for Allah’s sake. je najpomembnejši ščit za moške in ženske, whoever leaves a thing for Allah’s sake, He shall replace it with what is better than it.6 The soul is deeply enamoured with gazing at beautiful forms. The eye is the scout for the heart, and it sends its scout out to see what’s there. If the eye informs it of something it finds visually attractive and beautiful, it is moved to desire it … Whoever allows their gaze to roam free will constantly be in regret. For the gaze gives rise to love, which begins with the heart having an attachment (‘alaqah) to what it is beholden too. As it strengthens, it becomes an ardent longing (sababah); srce je zdaj brezupno omamljeno z njim. Več raste, postane zaljubljenost (gharam); prilepi se k srcu kot upnik (Gharim) drži svojega dolžnika (gharimah) od katerega se ne loči. Vse močnejši, še vedno, postane strastna ljubezen ('ishq); pretirana ljubezen. Potem postane goreča ljubezen (vrsto); ljubezen, ki seže do same sluznice srca in vstopi vanj. Nadaljnje stopnjevanje, postane čaščena ljubezen (tatayyum) … srce postane suženj [častilec] tistega, čemur ni vredno sužnjevati. In vse to zaradi škodljivega pogleda.'7

Pustite ob strani razpravo o tem, ali je večja odgovornost na ženskah, ki so skromno oblečene, ali moški, ki spustijo pogled. There’s no doubt that in today’s ambiance it falls upon men to lower their gaze and to refrain from the lustful, illicit and harmful glance.

Shaykh Jaleel Akhoon recently remarked that sins usually leave a black stain on the heart, that can be cleansed through the act of contrition and repentance. But if the heart is captive to the object of its love; enslaved to it by its ‘ishq, then this is worse than the ‘usual’ sin. For the heart isn’t just stained or darkened, he stressed; it is inverted. This has certain echoes of Ibn al-Qayyim when he said: ‘Many a passionate lover will admit they have no place at all in their heart for other than their passionate love. Namesto tega, they let their passionate love completely conquer their heart, thereby becoming an avid worshipper of it … There is no comparison between the harm of this dire matter and the harm wrought by sexual misconduct (fahishah). For this sin is a major one for the one who commits it, but the evil of this ‘ishq is that of idolatry (shirk).

The cure, Shaykh Jaleel says, is that as soon as the heart is tempted by what it must not gaze at, one reins in the gaze and diverts it from the haram or harmful. No effort can be spared in doing so, lest the forbidden glance secretes its poison into the heart, causing it irreparable injury, anguish and torment.

We Ask Allah for safety, sensibility and success.

1. Al-Bukhari, no.5096; musliman, nos.3740-41.

2. musliman, no.2742.

3. Al-Bazzar, no.2061; at-Tirmizi, no.1173, who said it is hasan gharib.

4. Cf. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon (Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society, 2003), 2:2193-4.

5. Al-Bukhari, al-Adab al-Mufrad, no.1313; al-Hakim, Mustadrak, 1:22, who declared: "Je sahih po pogojih obeh šejkov.«

6. Po možnosti parafraziram hadis: je izjemno težka in trda, razen za Al-Khaashi‘oona, ne boš zapustil ničesar zaradi Allaha, le da ga bo Allah nadomestil z nečim boljšim.’ Ahmad, št.22565, in njegova veriga je sahih. glej: al-Albani, Silsilat al-Ahadith al-Da`ifah (Riad: Maktabah al-Ma‘arif, 1992), 1:62; št.5

7. Ighathat al-Lahfan v Masayid al-Shaytan (Meka: Dar ‘Alam al-Fawa’id, 2011), 75. Drugi dve prednosti, o katerih razpravlja, sta: Drugič, srce je razsvetljeno in dano videti z duhovno jasnostjo in vpogledom; tretjič, srce dobi moč, pogum, trdnost in čast.

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