5 Mazano eKuve Anobudirira Kana Uchishanda Kubva Kumba
Working from home is the ideal solution for many Muslims who want to spend more time with their family. In particular, working from home is the perfect solution for sisters...
Working from home is the ideal solution for many Muslims who want to spend more time with their family. In particular, working from home is the perfect solution for sisters...
Have you noticed that yours and your friends’ desires differ? Have you noticed that the same dish of curry is preferred by one sibling and refused by another? That’s because...
Imhuri 'Z' ikozvino. Kana murume anobva kumhuri 'A' akaroora mukadzi wemhuri 'B', vanotanga mhuri itsva ‘Z’. Mhuri iyi inonzi ‘Z’...
Aisha(OUT) relates in an authentic hadith that the Prophet SAW said, “The two [sunna] cycles (rak`ats) of the morning prayer are better than the world and what it contains’’ [Muslim] Imam Nawawi...
Discussions with a close friend were once dominated by her excitement and continuous expressions that she wanted to get married. She told me she had a brother in mind that...
Kwemakore akawanda, Ndakabatsira vanhu vazhinji kugadzirisa nyaya muhupenyu hwavo. Zvizhinji zvenyaya dzandakabatsira kugadzirisa, dzave nyaya dzehukama. Zvakawanda zvacho zvinosanganisira ...
You body is an amanah from Allah SWT and it has rights over you. You should eat just enough to sustain yourself and never more, since excess is always bad...
Vamwe vedu vangatya chimwe chinhu chinotisiyanisa nevamwe chingava chikonzero chavasingazotifungidzire kuroora. Nyaya iyi inotiratidza kuti chii chinoita...
Wise Wives akaita rombo rakanaka kudzosa Dr. Marwa Azab (B.A Psychology ~ MA Psychology ~ Ph.D Neuroscience) neChipiri Zvita 10, 2013. Akabata nyaya dzakawanda dzinonakidza nezvewanano...
The Prophet SAW was the best of human beings and worshipped Allah SWT more than anyone and in the most perfect manner. Zvisinei, the Prophet SAW also had the strength...
One of my most inspiring moments as a parent came, as these things often do, completely randomly. I was at a boot fair looking at something I can’t remember and...
Muzvikamu zviviri zvakatevedzana, Vakachenjera Vakadzi Orange County vakaita rombo rakanaka kuva naSr. Hosai Mojaddidi anotitungamira munhaurirano nezvehunhu uye maitiro avo pahukama hwedu. Hurukuro yake yaive...
Pure Matrimony ….Apo Kudzidzira Kunoita Kwakanaka Kuda kushandisa vhidhiyo iyi pawebhusaiti yako, blog kana tsamba yenhau? Unogamuchirwa kudhindazve ruzivo urwu chero iwe uchisanganisira iyo ...
Everyone knows that Shirk means to associate partners with Allah – a sin so severe that there is nothing but destruction for the one who entertains it…Asi, did you also...
I would like to start off this article by reiterating the fact that in my opinion both baby girls and boys are an absolute blessing from the Almighty and not one gender should...