Ashura – Kuburitswa Kwezvivi Zvegore Rapfuura!
The day of Ashura is the 10th day in the Islamic month of Muharram and marks a crucial event in prophetic history. The day of Ashura is the day that...
The day of Ashura is the 10th day in the Islamic month of Muharram and marks a crucial event in prophetic history. The day of Ashura is the day that...
1. Pfekera mukadzi wako, kutarisa kwakachena uye kunhuhwirira kwakanaka. Ndeipi nguva yekupedzisira isu varume kuenda kunotenga madhizaini ekupfeka? Sekuda kunoita murume mukadzi wake...
The Messenger of Allāh (ṣallAllāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) akadaro: “It is sufficient of a sin for a man to neglect those of whom he is responsible for taking care.” Take...
Have you ever wondered about the characteristics of a person whom Allah loves? There are dozens of qualities that are beloved to Allah, but there are a few things that should...
“Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched...
Allah subhanahu wa taala has entrusted Muslim parents with their children and made them responsible to raise them in an Islamic manner. They are the model to their children whom...
When people are faced with any issues, wants or needs, the first thing they do is look to others to find a solution. When things go wrong, this is when...
As a practicing psychologist, I was once consulted by a brother in Turkey in need of immediate relationship advice. In summary, the brother’s “emergency” was that he had met a...
The personality of children is similar to clay and parents can mold it whichever way they want while the kids are still in their adolescent years. Zvisinei, it is a...
What’s the first thing you do when you’re going through a tough time? Do you seek out your family and friends and share your worries with them? Do you ask...
Michato inowanzotanga zvakanaka. Munhu wose anobatira pamwe – vaviri vacho, vabereki vavo, dzimwe hama, shamwari. Zvinhu zvinowanzofamba zvakanaka. Asi pane imwe nzvimbo munzira, kusawirirana kwewanano kunomuka. Izvi...
The Prophet SAW LOVED the udhiya or the sacrifice because of the enormous amount of blessing in this: Muporofita Muhammad (PBUH) has said: “There is no deed that Allah...
{Uye pakati pezviratidzo zvake ndeizvi: Anokusikirai shamwari kubva parudzi rwenyu. Kuti uwane kugutsikana (sukoon) navo, uye Anoita rudo uye...