Posts Tagged: "Mwari"


Zano reVhiki – # 2

Pure Matrimony | | 0 Comments

7 zviratidzo zvekutarisa kuti Ugare Wakanaka Kunouya nguva muhupenyu hwemutendi wese pavanonzwa sekunge hapana chiri kufamba nenzira kwayo.. Zvese zvinoita kunge...



Pure Matrimony | | 0 Comments

Maitiro Ekumutsidzira Kutenda Kwako Mudenda iri!   Wese kutenderera pasirese arikutarisana nenguva yakaoma kubata nedenda iri uye aura yekushushikana uye kushaya tariro..


Kukosha kwaDhul Hijjah

Pure Matrimony | | 0 Comments

Mazuva gumi eDhul Hijjah ane kukosha kukuru muIslam. Mazuva gumi ekutanga emwedzi uno anoonekwa seanoyera kwazvo uye inguva yekuwedzera kufungisisa, kuwana...

Zano reVhiki


Pure Matrimony | | 0 Comments

Allah SWT commands us to check our intentions whenever we do a good deedbecause Shaytaan is there trying to make our good deeds a source of pride among...

Zano reVhiki

Iva Shamwari yaAllah

Pure Matrimony | | 1 Comment

Have you ever wondered about the status of the one whom Allah SWT loves and considers His friend? Being the friend of Allah is an honour and a sign of righteousness...

Zano reVhiki

Vimba zvizere naAllah

Pure Matrimony | | 0 Comments

What’s the first thing you do when you’re going through a tough time? Do you seek out your family and friends and share your worries with them? Do you ask...