Posts Tagged: "Nzira Dzokuchengeta A Pakunamata Pakakwirira"

Zano reVhiki


Pure Matrimony | | 4 Comments

Laytul Qadr or the Night of Power is the pinnacle of the blessed month of Ramadan, and is the equivalent of spending 1000 months in worship of Allah SWT –...

Zano reVhiki

Mibayiro Yekutsanya

Pure Matrimony | | 0 Comments

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (dai Allah vafadzwa naye) from the Prophet (Nzira Dzokuchengeta A Pakunamata Pakakwirira), uyo akati: ‘Allah (ngaave ane simba uye akakwidziridzwa) anodaro: Fasting is Mine and it...