Zano reVhiki – Tungamidza Mhuri Yako Zvakanaka Nguva Dzose

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By Pure Matrimony -

Munyori: Pure Matrimony

Muporofita (Allah vamuropafadze uye vamupe runyararo) akadaro, “Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock. The ruler over the people is a shepherd and he is responsible for his flock. A man is the shepherd of his family and he is responsible for his flock. A woman is the shepherd of her husband’s household and she is responsible for her flock…” [Bukhari, Muslim]

One of the main responsibilities of the head of the household is to ensure they guide their family to goodness – in the manner described by Allah SWT and the Prophet SAW.

As parents, we can often get too busy in our own problems to really listen to our children or make the time for them and guide them in the correct way Islamically.

Unfortunately this is something that Allah will hold us to question about in the hereafter.

Naizvozvo, remember Allah often and remember that each of you is responsible for those under your care. If you do bad, your children will copy you, and if you do good, then insha’Allah good will come of your children too.

Pure Matrimony

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