Kaydka Bisha: Sebtembar 2013

Guud ahaan

Qaybta Adeecida 5: Duub

Guurka daahirka ah | | 0 Faallo

Xigasho: wisewives.org On October 17th 2012, Wise Wives Orange County was lucky to have Sister Noha Alshugairi, M.S. Guurka iyo Daaweeye Qoyska, speak to us about the controversial and delicate matter...


Dhalashada iyo uurka Maryam AS

Guurka daahirka ah | | 1 Faallo

Maryam (AS) is one of the best women mentioned in the Quran. Ilaahow (SWT) has chosen her to be the mother of prophet ‘Isa (AS). A whole chapter in the...

Guud ahaan

Qaybta Adeecida 4: Ilaalinta waajibaadka

Guurka daahirka ah | | 0 Faallo

Oktoobar 17-keedii 2012, Wise Wives Orange County was lucky to have Sister Noha Alshugairi, M.S. Guurka iyo Daaweeye Qoyska, speak to us about the controversial and delicate matter of a...

Guud ahaan


Guurka daahirka ah | | 2 Faallo

Nabi Muxamed (asalaamu calaykum) ayaa la sheegay in la yiri, “Seeking knowledge (Islaamka) is obligatory upon every (male/female) Muslim” We know that to leave out an obligatory act...


Caanaha Jacaylka

Guurka daahirka ah | | 1 Faallo

For the last few years, a multitude of international health agencies including UNICEF and WHO realized the benefits and importance breastfeeding. Maternal milk has been the subject of studies, academic...