Këshilla e javës - Shpenzoni për familjen tuaj në 'para' dhe 'buzëqeshje'

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Nga Martesa e pastër -
We have all heard the saying “Charity begins at home” and likewise the hadith “Buzëqeshja juaj për vëllanë tuaj është bamirësi”.Sahih El-Buhari

In another hadith the Prophet SAW says “Two Deenaars (golden currency) which you spend by way of charity, or two Deenaars which you give to the poor, or the two Deenaars which you give to your family-indeed the greatest of these as regards reward is that Deenaar which you spend upon your family.” musliman

Put all these together and it should be clear that any of our money spent on the family is a worthy investment and highly rewarding. The foundation to a healthy society is the family. Our families regardless of their size, should be the recipients of at the very least our smiles and our income too. The Prophets SAW was in the habit of smiling, `Abd Allah b. al-Hârith said: I have never seen anyone more in the habit of smiling than Allah’s Messenger. Sunan al-Tirmidhî

May Allah SWT make us compassionate to our families and give us all understanding. Amin.

Martesa e pastër

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