Најгора врста лажи
Посланик Мухамед (Тестера) declared a stern warning that : “ One of the worst types of lie is for a man to claim to belong to someone other than...
Посланик Мухамед (Тестера) declared a stern warning that : “ One of the worst types of lie is for a man to claim to belong to someone other than...
What is death? Every man has a fixed period of life. We can’t live longer or shorter than the fixed period of life. We can’t escape death. Allah says in...
Дакле, ви сте новопечени пар и питате се како да зарадим поверење вољене особе? Или сте можда већ неко време у браку и у последње време осећате да сте....
It’s very common to find in the stories of the pious predecessors those who kept lists of people they prayed for on a nightly basis. This was a testimony to...