The Most Beloved To Allah

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Од стране Пуре Матримони -

Аутор: Пуре Матримони

Ibn Umar reported:

Two men came to the Messenger of Allah, нека је мир и благослов на њега, and they said, „О Аллахов Посланиче, which of the people are most beloved to Allah? And which deeds are most beloved to Allah?”

The Prophet SAW said, “The most beloved people to Allah are those who are most beneficial to the people. The most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy, or to remove one of his troubles, or to forgive his debt, or to feed his hunger. That I walk with a brother regarding a need is more beloved to me than that I seclude myself in this mosque in Medina for a month.

Whoever swallows his anger, then Allah will conceal his faults. Whoever suppresses his rage, even though he could fulfill his anger if he wished, then Allah will secure his heart on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever walks with his brother regarding a need until he secures it for him, then Allah the Exalted will make his footing firm across the bridge on the day when the footings are shaken.”

Извор: al-Muʻjam al-Awsaṭ 6192

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani


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