Na Shaytwaan Ni Wa Tatu Baina Ya Mwanaume Na Mwanamke

Ukadiriaji wa Chapisho

Kadiria chapisho hili
Na Ndoa Safi -

Islam forbids the free-mixing of men and women in case it leads to fitnah and illicit relationships. Katika nchi za Magharibi, it’s extremely common to have a girlfriend or boyfriend, whereas Islam prohibits this. Badala yake, it is encouraged to marry early to prevent problems.

Mtume SAW anasema:

"Hakuna mwanamume aliye peke yake na mwanamke lakini shaytwaan ni wa tatu aliyepo." [Imepokewa na Ahmad, al-Tirmidhiy na al-Haakim; imetajwa kuwa ni Swahiyh na al-Albaaniy katika Swahiyh al-Jaami (2546)

Kabla ya ndoa, Shaytaan does his BEST to cause two people to commit sin and have a haram relationship

But after marriage, the same two people that Shaytaan tried so hard to tempt into doing bad things are now under attack from him so they are forced to split apart! Kwa nini? Because once a marriage takes place, the husband and wife are now halal for each other.

And because they are halal for each other, it means that Shaytaan has failed in his objective to make people sin. And on top of this, Allah SWT in all his infinite mercy will reward a husband and wife coming together!

This infuriates the shaytaan even further who will now focus his energy in destroying the home environment so that eventually the husband and wife will split apart and any children will be affected.

Mtume (S.A.W.S) sema: “Iblis anaweka kiti chake cha enzi juu ya maji; kisha anatuma vikosi (kwa ajili ya kuleta mafarakano kati ya watu); walio karibu naye kwa daraja ni wale ambao wanajulikana sana katika kuzusha mifarakano. Mmoja wao anakuja na kusema: "Nilifanya hivi na hivi." Na anasema: "Hujafanya chochote." Kisha mmoja wao anakuja na kusema: "Sikuacha hivi na hivi mpaka nilipopanda mbegu ya mafarakano kati ya mume na mke." Shaytwaan anamkaribia na kusema: “Umefanya vizuri.” Kisha anamkumbatia”
(Sahih Muslim na imesimuliwa na Jabir Ibn ‘Abdullah).

So what can you do to protect your home and prevent Shaytaan from entering it? Hapa kuna vidokezo:

  1. Shaytaan is made from fire, so one of the best ways to protect yourself from being affected by him is to make wudu, since the water will put the fire out! In real terms, if you and your spouse are arguing, go and make wudu and insha’Allah your anger will disappear.

Mtume (p.b.u.h.) sema: When one of you gets angry, let him make ablution with water as anger arises out of fire.”In another narration, alisema: “Anger comes from the devil and the devil is made of fire.

  1. Recite Surah Baqarah over three nights in your home, since Shaytaan will run from a home in which this Surah is recited. If you are busy, you can play a recitation of Surah Baqarah instead – just be sure to complete the surah by day 3.
  2. Get into the habit of keeping your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah SWT and make dhikr often. Shaytaan will not whisper to you if you do this.
  3. When you feel an argument coming on, recite Aoutho billahi min al-shaytani-r-ragim and Shaytaan will run away from you.
  4. If you fear your spouse’s anger gets too much for you, recite aytul kursi as much as you can around them under your breath.
  5. The Prophet SAW gave the following advice for calming down arguments:

Mtume (p.b.u.h.) sema: Anger is a burning coal. Don’t you see your eyebrows wide and eyes reddish? So when one of you feels angry, let him sit down if standing, and lie down if sitting.

There are many ways in which you can calm a situation down and this is especially important for women to know who have husbands with a short temper.

Na hatimaye, learn to control your tongue. Nothing is more destructive than a foul mouth and argumentative nature. Let me leave you with a final hadith about anger:

“Once, a person was verbally abusing Abu Bakr (Mwenyezi Mungu awe radhi naye) while the Prophet (amani iwe juu yake) was curiously watching with a smile. After taking much abuse quietly, Abu Bakr responded to a few of his comments. Katika hili, the Prophet exhibited his disapproval, got up and left. Abu Bakr caught up with the Prophet and wondered, ‘Ewe Mtume wa Mwenyezi Mungu, he was abusing me and you remained sitting. When I responded to him, you disapproved and got up.’ The Messenger of Allah responded,

‘There was an angel with you responding to him. When you responded to him, Shaytan took his place.’ He then said:

‘O Abu Bakr, there are three solid truths: If a person is wronged and he forbears it (without seeking revenge) just for the sake of Allah almighty, Allah will honor him and give him the upper hand with His help; if a person opens a door of giving gifts for cementing relationships with relatives, Allah will give him abundance; na, if a person opens a door of seeking charity for himself to increase his wealth, Allah will further reduce his wealth.’” (juu sana na zaidi ya ubatili na njozi ya tamthilia zinazojulikana za 'kimapenzi' zilizoainishwa na uovu.).

Ndoa Safi

….Ambapo Mazoezi Hufanya Kuwa Mkamilifu

Chanzo: - Tovuti Kubwa Zaidi ya Ndoa Duniani kwa Waislamu wa Matendo

Unataka kujua vidokezo zaidi vya vitendo vya jinsi ya kuepuka matatizo katika ndoa yako? Kisha kujiandikisha kwa tukio letu lijalo: Kuvunjika kwa Ndoa - Ni Sababu na Tiba zake kwa kwenda:

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3 Maoni to And Shaytaan Is The Third Between A Man And Woman

  1. Alli Raheemat

    Shukuran! May Allah continue to increase you in knowledge. I would appreciate tips on how to deal with difficult mother- katika – laws

    • Ndoa Safi_7

      Assalamu Alaikum, Jazakallahu Khairan for the the duas. You can go through our previous posts that have dealt with the topic of in-laws. Inshallah we hope you will find them beneficial.

Acha Jibu

Barua pepe yako haitachapishwa. Sehemu zinazohitajika zimetiwa alama *


Angalia Programu Yetu Mpya ya Simu!!

Maombi ya Simu ya Mwongozo wa Ndoa ya Kiislamu