Ошуро – Каффорати гуноҳҳои соли гузашта!

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The day of Ashura is the 10уми day in the Islamic month of Muharram and marks a crucial event in prophetic history. The day of Ashura is the day that Allah SWT gave victory to Musa (АС) and his people and is also the day in which Pharaoh (Ramases the II) was drowned along with his people.

To thank Allah for the victory, Musa (АС) kept a fast, ва хамин тавр, this is the reason why we fast this day too. In a report narrated by Imam Muslim, the Jews said, “This is a great day, on which Allah saved Musa and his people, and drowned Pharaoh and his people.” Muslim also reported that the Prophet (дид) гуфт, “Musa fasted on this day in thanksgiving to Allah, so we fast on this day.”

There are other amazing events which also happened on this day such as Allah SWT forgiving Adam (АС) and the ark of Nuh (АС) coming to rest on the mountain.

Паёмбар с:

“For fasting the day of ‘Ashura, I hope that Allah will accept it as expiation for the year that went before.” [мусулмон]

Fasting during the month of Muharram is from the sunnah, and the fast of Ashura is one that the Prophet SAW paid a lot of attention to. Аммо, He SAW did not fast this in isolation, rather he would fast either the day before on the 9уми of Muharram which is the day of Taasu’a, or a day after which is the 11уми of Muharram to differ from the Jews who also fast the day of Ashura.

Бинобар ин, make sure you fast the day of Ashura and the day preceding or after it to gain the reward of the expiation of the year before it!


Издивоҷи пок – Бузургтарин хидмати издивоҷ дар ҷаҳон барои мусулмонони амалкунанда

1 Шарҳ to Ashura – Каффорати гуноҳҳои соли гузашта!

  1. Muhammad Awwal

    I so much appreciate the effort being done by the PureMatrimony group in uniting the Muslim Ummah with their respective good spouses. May Allah AzzaWaJal reward you people with Jannatul Firdaus. Омин!

    Muhammad Awwal from Nigeria.

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