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Аз ҷониби Издивоҷи пок -

Дар байни синну сол 10 ва 14 бо бародараш, ки аз худаш се сол калонтар буд, кирдорҳои бадахлоқона содир кардааст, вале алоца ба амал наомад. Then she grew up and realized that she was sinning, and she and her brother gave up this action and regretted it deeply.
She fell in love with a young man and did everything with him except intercourse.
Should she tell her husband in the future of what she did with her brother in the past? Is it true that her parents’ marriage is regarded as null and void because of what they did? How should the relationship be between her children and her brother’s children in the future? How can she repent and seek forgiveness for her sins? Will her sin be forgiven if she says “Yaa Ghafoor, yaa Raheem, yaa ‘Afuw” repeatedly?.


What you have to do is to repent to Allaah and seek His forgiveness for what you have done. What you have done is no minor matter. Аллох мегуяд (тафсири маъно):

Ва зинокоронро аз азоби охират ҳушдор додааст. Ва зинокоронро аз азоби охират ҳушдор додааст, Ва зинокоронро аз азоби охират ҳушдор додааст (яъне. Ва зинокоронро аз азоби охират ҳушдор додааст: Ва зинокоронро аз азоби охират ҳушдор додааст, and an evil way that leads one to hell unless Allaah Forgives him

[Ва зинокоронро аз азоби охират ҳушдор додааст 17:32]

What you and your brother did is a kind of approaching zina (unlawful sex). Аллох мегуяд (тафсири маъно):

«Ва онон, ки ба худои дигаре намехонанд (худо) дар баробари Аллох, Ва касеро, ки Худо ҳаром кардааст, накушед, гайр аз сабаби асоснок, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse and whoever does this shall receive the punishment.

Дар рӯзи қиёмат азобаш дучанд мешавад, ва дар он хор ҷовидона мемонад;

Магар онон, ки тавба карданд ва имон оварданд (Амалҳои нек корҳои бадро аз байн мебарад ва тавбаи холис он чиро, ки пеш аз он омада буд, маҳв мекунад), Амалҳои нек корҳои бадро аз байн мебарад ва тавбаи холис он чиро, ки пеш аз он омада буд, маҳв мекунад; Амалҳои нек корҳои бадро аз байн мебарад ва тавбаи холис он чиро, ки пеш аз он омада буд, маҳв мекунад, Амалҳои нек корҳои бадро аз байн мебарад ва тавбаи холис он чиро, ки пеш аз он омада буд, маҳв мекунад, and Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Амалҳои нек корҳои бадро аз байн мебарад ва тавбаи холис он чиро, ки пеш аз он омада буд, маҳв мекунад

[Амалҳои нек корҳои бадро аз байн мебарад ва тавбаи холис он чиро, ки пеш аз он омада буд, маҳв мекунад 25:68]

Ва Паёмбар (ассалому алайкум ва раҳматуллоҳи ва баракотуҳ) гуфт: “O ummah of Muhammad, by Allaah there is none more indignant than Allaah when His slave, мардона ё занона, commits zina. O ummah of Muhammad, if you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much.”

Бухорий ривоят қилган, 1044; мусулмон, 901.

So what you and your brother have to do is to repent to Allaah from what you have done, and to do a lot of righteous deeds such as praying, fasting and giving charity, so as to atone for your evil actions.

What happened between you and that man is another sin. Our advice to you is to check yourself and realize that when Allaah becomes angry with His slave He dooms him and removes blessing from his entire life, if he does not repent and turn back to his Lord.

With regard to telling your husband about what has happened to you in the past, you do not have to do that once you have repented from it. You should cover yourself and not speak openly of something that you have done in the past. Паёмбар (ассалому алайкум ва раҳматуллоҳи ва баракотуҳ) гуфт: “All of my ummah will be forgiven except those who commit sin blatantly. It is committing sin blatantly if a man does something at night, then in the morning when Allaah has concealed him, мегуяд у, ‘O So and so, I did such and such last night,’ when all night his Lord has concealed him, and he uncovers that which Allaah has concealed.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6069; мусулмон, 2990.

Your parents’ marriage is not regarded as null and void, because there is not connection between what happened and your parents’ marriage.

“And no bearer of burdens shall bear another’s burden”

[Faatir 35:18]

So if you conceal what you did, and your brother also conceals what he did – which is what you both must do – then the relationship between your children will be very normal and there will be no problems, either from the shar’i or social point of view.

With regard to repentance from sin and seeking forgiveness for it, there are conditions attached, which are discussed in question no. 13990.

May Allaah help you to do all that is good.
Ислом Қ&А

This Fatwa was Taken from Islam Q and A and answered by Sheikh Saleh al Munajed
сарчашма : http://islamqa.info/en/ref/42992

8 Шарҳҳо to Being Honest About the Past

  1. i would like to ask an question related to my mother pls contact me on my id wil be very grateful to u forever as it is getting related to my whole family nnow plsssss i dnt knw wht to do pls administers allah will surely give u ajar for this

    • Ахмад

      What doe his children have to do with anything? There is already a part in this answer where he said you cannot be made to bear the burden of the sins of another.

      Инчунин, how did he marry with out a dowry? Did he force his wife’s family to marry her to him or did they agree on no dowry?

  2. Мухаммад


    It is permissible for the dowry to be paid immediately or to be deferred, or for part to be paid immediately and part deferred

    This was stated by Ibn Qudaamah in al-Mughni, 10/115.

    The unpaid dowry is regarded as a debt that the husband owes (to the wife). And there is no reason why their children can’t lead the prayer, especially if the child has great or good knowledge of Qur’aan. Паёмбар (баъд ба ӯ мегӯяд, ки дар бораи чӣ тавр бакораташ гум шудааст, дурӯғ гӯяд) did not stipulate that the one who leads the prayer must be a child of whose father has paid the dowry to his (the child’s) модар, when he said that the one with the most knowledge should lead men in prayer.

    Ва Аллох донотар аст.

  3. fatima musa sadiq

    Is it haram to chat with mail friends online even though we don’t engage in lewd or offensive talksI only ask them about their well being,their family and workand I advice them when they do I correct themI’m also like a mentor to them and that’s why they add me as friendwhat I’m worried is that is it haraam? I never post my pictures toojazakallahu khairan

    • Умедворам, ки ин иншоаллоҳ кӯмак мекунад

      Бале, It is forbidden.

      Allah said not to go near/close to zina. There is zina of the eyes looking at what is not permissible a non mahram. Zina of the ears, listening to things that are not permissible and also zina of the mouth saying things not permissible.
      Friendship between opposite gender is forbidden. You can not give dawah to the opposite sex. If a girl comes wishing to learn about islam give her the contact details of your blood sister, your aunty, your mother, your wife your daughter etc. And do not carry on the conversation.
      These relationships online end up in some sort of fitna fahsha, and humilation and destroying the families.

      If you fear Allah and know of the last day you would keep well away from any sort of Zina as the above in the article mentioned how Allah will humilate these people and there will be no repentence.

  4. Умедворам, ки ин иншоаллоҳ кӯмак мекунад

    I disagree slightly with the above article, the past is the past.

    When it comes to a physical relationship, intimacy i believe that information should be passed onto the wali/future spouce. Чашмони ту? well i have heard many a horror story of men and women, muslims, who were living like non muslims and were sexually active. Became super religious married and then passed on STD, AIDS, HIV, have illigetimate children running around. Yes someones past is between them and ALLAH but when your actions are likely to effect the future, harm your spouce you need to be honest. If you have had a physical relationship you need to tell your future spouce.

    There was one brother who used to party, drink, girls etc etc. He then grew up, repented and became and imam mashallah. He married…. then he gave his poor wife AIDS. Her life is ruined now and so is his. Do you think she stayed with him? Албатта на, he did not know he had aids, but his actions of intimacy affects everyones lives. Regardless of what you may say. He SHOULD of told her the truth so she can take appropriate actions. If he had told her, she could of made him go to sexual health clinic and know of his disease before marriage and keep herself safe.

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