Нагорода за любов до інших заради Аллаха SWT

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One of the many beautiful aspects about our deen is the emphasis it places on maintaining unity within the Ummah and good relationships with others. In a beautiful hadith, the Messenger of Allah, мир і благословення йому, сказав:

‘Verily, those who love each other will look at their rooms in Paradise as if they were brilliant stars in the east or west. It will be said: Who are these? They will reply: These people loved each other for the sake of Allah the Exalted.’


Тут, this refers to people who meet and part for the sake of Allah and want nothing but goodness for one another.

Abu Hurairah RA relates that the Prophet SAW said:

Allah will ask on the Day of Judgment: “Where are those who loved each other for the sake of My glory? Сьогодні, on a day when there is no shade but Mine, I shall shade them with My shade.”


At a time when the Ummah is severely divided and in a state of destruction, where siblings don’t speak to siblings, these words should comfort the believers and excel and encourage us towards maintaining unity.

In another narration, зробіть дуа і попросіть Аллаха благословити ваш різк:

“Among Allah’s servants are people who are neither prophets nor martyrs, but whom the prophets and martyrs will deem fortunate because of their high status with Allah.”

The Companions asked, «О Посланник Аллаха! Inform us of who they are.” The Prophet (мир і благословення йому) told them that they are people who loved each other for Allah’s sake, even without being related to one another or being tied to one another by the exchange of wealth.

Пророк (мир і благословення йому) went on to describe their great reward on the Day of Resurrection: “By Allah, their faces will be luminous and they will be upon light. They will feel no fear when the people will be feeling fear, and they will feel no grief when the people will be grieving.” Then he (мир і благословення йому) read the verse: [Ось! Verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve] (Yunus 10:62).

[Abu Dawud]

Слава Аллаху! Can the reward for good be anything other than good? May Allah SWT make us love one another for His sake and His sake alone ameen.

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1 Коментар to The Reward Of Loving Others For The Sake of Allah SWT

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