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За Чисте подружжя -

Автор: Чисте подружжя

Allah in all His infinite wisdom tests people with trials and afflictions so they may be grateful for the good Allah has given them and to help them increase in their worship to him.

As the Prophet SAW said:
“Great reward comes with great trials. When Allah loves a people, He tests them, and whoever accepts it attains His pleasure, whereas whoever shows discontent with it incurs His wrath”
зробіть дуа і попросіть Аллаха благословити ваш різк (2396); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in as-Silsilah as-Saheehah, немає. 146

Trials and afflictions are a means of purification for the believer and is a means of bringing people closer to Allah Azza Wajjal. It is also a means of abundant reward – but ONLY if the believer bears their trial with patience and the remembrance of Allah:
“…Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning” (Surah Az-Zumar verse 10)”

Also the Prophet SAW said:
«Яка чудова справа віруючого, бо в нього справи всі добрі, і це стосується нікого, крім віруючого. Якщо з ним станеться щось хороше, він вдячний за це, і це добре для нього. Якщо з ним трапиться щось погане, він зносить це з терпінням, і це добре для нього». (мусульманський)

The great scholar Al-Hasan al-Basri (OUT) сказав: “Do not resent the calamities that come and the disasters that occur, for perhaps in something that you dislike will be your salvation, and perhaps in something that you prefer will be your doom.”

It’s important to understand that only when you bear your trial with patience and remember Allah through your calamity, does Allah give you the most beautiful reward – whether it is in this life or the next.
May Allah SWT grant us the ability to become amongst those who love to attain His pleasure and remain patient throughout our tests ameen.

Чисте подружжя

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