Jannat solihlar uchundir
Paradise is a wonderous place, full of things that the eyes have never seen and the mind cannot even imagine. Rasululloh SAV aytdilar: “In Paradise there are rooms that...
Paradise is a wonderous place, full of things that the eyes have never seen and the mind cannot even imagine. Rasululloh SAV aytdilar: “In Paradise there are rooms that...
Ilm-fanning ta'kidlashicha, uzoq muddatli munosabatlar mehribonlik va saxiylikdan kelib chiqadi. Iyun oyida har kuni, yilning eng mashhur to'y oyi, haqida 13,000 Amerikalik juftliklar “Men...
There are two kinds of people on this Earth – those who sin and keep their sins private, recognizing they have done wrong and seeking forgiveness from Allah SWT. And...
Qarindoshlik rishtalariga rioya qilish dinimizning eng muhim asoslaridan biridir, va bu rishtalarni hurmat qilmaslik sizni Allohning rahmatidan uzoqlashtiribgina qolmay, but also deprives...
Qachon Xadicha (rahimahullohu anha) ongingizda qanday rasm paydo bo'lishi aytiladi? Nahotki, u oʻz rohatini va rizqini Paygʻambarimiz yoʻlida fido qilganini tasavvur qilmaysizmi?.
Suhbatdosh bo'lish - bu eng yaxshi xususiyat emas – ayniqsa keraksiz va Allohni zikr qilmasdan gapirsangiz. Haqiqatdan ham, speaking too much can lead to the...