Haftaning maslahati - muloyimlikni ko'rsating

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tomonidan Sof nikoh -

Yumshoqlik - bu yaxshi fikrlarni uyg'otadigan so'z, odamlarni tabassum qiladi va hamma sevadigan fazilatlardan biridir. Ba'zilarimiz uchun, gentleness is replaced by harshness whilst others have it in abundance. Those who are gentle with others are loved and remembered, whilst those who are harsh in their behaviour are never spoken well about. Gentleness was loved by the Prophet SAW, as illustrated in this beautiful hadith:


Al-Miqdam ibn Shurayh, quoting his father, dedi: I asked Aisha about living in the desert. - dedi u: Rasululloh (SAV) used to go to the desert to these rivulets. Once he intended to go to the desert and he sent to me a she-camel from the camel of sadaqah which had not been used for riding so far. He said to me: Oysha! Show gentleness, for if gentleness is found in anything, it beautifies it and when it is taken out from anything it damages it. Abu Dovud.

We are reminded by the Prophet SAW that having this noble quality beautifies almost anything when done with sincerity and good intention. Allah SWT does not like harshness in anything and He Himself is gentle to his creation by showing His mercy towards mankind.

Va esda tuting, people will only love and respect you if you are gentle in dealing with them. May Allah SWT grant us gentleness in all of our actions and especially in our speech. Omin.


Ushbu maqolani veb-saytingizda ishlatmoqchimisiz, blog yoki axborot byulleteni? Quyidagi ma'lumotlarni o'z ichiga olgan holda ushbu ma'lumotni qayta chop etishingiz mumkin:
Manba: www.PureMatrimony.com – The World’s Largest Matrimonial Site For Practicing Muslims

Ushbu maqolani yaxshi ko'ring? Bu yerda yangilanishlarimiz uchun ro‘yxatdan o‘tish orqali ko‘proq ma’lumot oling: https://www.muslimmarriageguide.com
Yoki borib diningizning yarmini topish uchun bizdan ro'yxatdan o'ting Inshaalloh: www.PureMatrimony.com

3 Izohlar to Tip of the Week – Show gentleness

  1. Yusuf Amina K.

    Jazakallahu Khair! This article is really heart touching n soul inspiring. I read it at a time I really needed a shoulder 2 cry on but found none. I became calmed n a bit relived after reading it. I’ve a harsh n ill-tempered hubby. I pray Almighty Allah will help me touch his heart n make him gentle towards me n my children. Pls brothers n sisters in Islam, remember me in ur prayers. Ma’assalam!

    • Ijobiy his-tuyg'ulardan yuz o'girdimmi, endi Alloh mendan xafa bo'ldi

      omin, may allah bless you, your husband and children..

  2. Jazakallahu Khair! This article is rellay heart touching n soul inspiring. I read it at a time I rellay needed a shoulder 2 cry on but found none. I became calmed n a bit relived after reading it. I’ve a harsh n ill-tempered hubby. I pray Almighty Allah will help me touch his heart n make him gentle towards me n my children. Pls brothers n sisters in Islam, remember me in ur prayers. Ma’assalam!

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