Tại sao bạn muốn kết hôn?

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Đánh giá bài viết này
Qua Hôn nhân thuần túy -

Mọi người đều muốn kết hôn… nhưng tại sao?

Thực sự nghĩ về điều đó một chút. Nếu bạn đang muốn kết hôn, tự hỏi bản thân tại sao bạn thực sự muốn nó…

Có phải vì:

  1. It’s the next logical step in your life
  2. Your parents want you to
  3. You’re ready to accept responsibility
  4. You want to avoid haram
  5. All of the above
  6. I don’t know

Your approach to marriage and how successful your marriage will be will very much depend on your answer to the critical question of WHY you want to get married.

If you’re getting married

  • because you’ve accomplished many things in your personal life and now you want to add marriage to your list, you’re not going to be emotionally invested into building a strong marriage.
  • FOR your parents or because they are pressurizing you, then you may as well give up already because you’re marrying completely for the wrong reasons.
  • To avoid haram, you must understand the importance of fulfilling the rights of your spouse in the same way they would be fulfilling yours.

But if you’re looking to marry because you’re ready to accept the responsibility of fulfilling half of your deen, then you’re much more likely to make the right decision when choosing a spouse.

Remember that being a good spouse requires you to be fully responsible for your role in the marriageand this means being actively able to help and support your spouse spiritually, thể chất, emotionally and financially (if you’re a brother).

It’s not anyone else’s job to do thatit’s yours! So if you’re ready to step up to the challenge and wholeheartedly accept the responsibilities of being a spouse, then congratulationsyou’re ready to get married!


Hôn nhân thuần túy – Giúp những người theo đạo Hồi thực hành hòa hợp và ở bên nhau!

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