先知穆罕默德 (鋸) declared a stern warning that : “ One of the worst types of lie is for a man to claim to belong to someone other than...
先知穆罕默德 (鋸) declared a stern warning that : “ One of the worst types of lie is for a man to claim to belong to someone other than...
乜嘢係死亡? 人人都有固定嘅人生時期. 我哋嘅壽命不能長於或短於固定嘅生命期限. 我哋無法逃脫死亡. 真主說.......
所以你係一對新婚夫婦,想知我如何透過親人嘅信任嚟贏得? 抑或你而家可能有結婚一段時間,最近你感覺到了你的。.
喺虔誠嘅前輩嘅故仔中,經常會發現那些每晚為佢哋祈禱嘅人嘅名單嘅人。. 係一個見證。.