

純婚姻 -

The rights and responsibilities of women as wives in Islam are numerous, and if followed properly Insha’Allah, they help avoid conflict in the home. The wife has many rights, some of which are mentioned below:

1) To be treated with kindness:

Allah Almighty says, “… and consort with them in kindness.” (An-Nisa’: 19)

2) To be looked after, provided for and maintained with honor and dignity:

先知 (真主嘅平安同祝福屬於佢) said in his khutbah during the Farewell Pilgrimage: “Their (女款) rights over you are that you should provide for them and clothe them in a reasonable manner.”

Men Should Maintain their Women in Accordance to their Means and Provide Women with:

  • Food
  • Shelter
  • 服裝
  • General care

Allah Almighty dislikes extravagance and miserliness, so women should consider their husband’s means and not ask for things in excess of their need, nor should they be denied things out of miserliness.

To Maintain a Wife with Honour and Dignity Means:

  • Being treated kindly and justly
  • Being respectful of her and not degrading or humiliating her for asking for her rights
  • Never harming her physically, mentally and emotionally
  • Giving the wife the right of divorce if the husband does not love her

3) A Wife’s Responsibilities Include:

  • Not allowing people into the home which the husband doesn’t approve of
  • Taking care of her husband’s belongings and her marital home
  • Not withholding the right to have children from him
  • To beautify herself for her husband and to give him her full attention when he asks of it
  • Being respectful to her husband at all times and not challenging him or being disobedient

Women are also known as the heart of the home, and should be treated as such. A good wife will ensure that she meets her husband’s expectations and looks after him so that he may Insha’Allah return the love and have mercy upon her. 同樣地, a good husband will ensure that he fulfils the rights of his wife without causing her any kind of injustice or emotional harm.

最後, remember that Allah Almighty has made your husband the Ameer of the home, so honor this and be true to your responsibilities with patience and sincerity and Insha’Allah you will be rewarded many times over by Allah.

源: www.PureMatrimony.com –世間上最大嘅穆斯林婚姻場所

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2 評論 to The Rights and Responsibilities of a Wife

  1. Subhanallah simple actions. Sometimes you do this and it gets you no where. Especially when you have an evil mother in law intent on making you both separate.
    You can be the best wife but it amounts to nothing…. and your only reward is from Allah.


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