本周小貼士 – 在你遇見你的墳墓之前優先考慮你渴望的東西


經過 純婚 -

Life is a big ‘longing’ game. We all long for things at different stages of our lives. The latest phoneor in comparison to what we currently possess, the next best one maybe. A nicer house, 車, clothes, jewellery…..objects: various sizes, quality, functionality, some essential and others not so, some easier on the eye, sleeker, prettier, glitzier etc.

We long and wait for people too to enter our lives…. For the single people out there the longing is for the better other half. For the married childless couple out there, the longing may be for children.

Desires are natural….fulfilling them through permissible means is our choice entirely and we are free to do so without restriction….most of the time, exception being the month of Ramadan and Hajj where we are told temporarily to abstain from specific things.

Allah’s Messenger (願他平安) 據說曾說過 “The son of Adam grows old, but two (慾望) in him remain young: desire for wealth and desire for life”. 穆斯林聖訓

The reality is that when our wait for the desired ‘thingis over…..the assumption of ‘happily ever after’ mirage does not often materialise. The ‘waiting’ followed by possession is often still greeted with an empty feeling…. unfilled void. Complete contentment somewhere still in the distance.

The important question to ask ourselves is how much time, 努力, money and thoughts are we spending on the things we are longing and waiting for? Could they be better directed to something else more rewardingin this life and the next respectively?

Think about your priorities in life….what will not matter once you reach your grave?

It was narrated by Allah’s Messenger (願他平安), 誰說: The mutual rivalry (for piling up of worldly things) diverts you, ‘Until you visit the graves (IE. till you die).’ The son of Adam says: ‘My wealth, my wealth,’ but your wealth is what you eat and consume, or what you wear and it wears out, or what you give in charity and send on ahead (for the Hereafter)”. An-Nasa’i

We should long for something more useful, more attainable in the short term and ultimately more rewarding.



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