使用 Dhikr 在 Akhirah 中提升您!


经过 纯婚 -

作者: 纯婚

来源: www.Pure Matrimony.com

Dhikr 是最好的崇拜形式之一,也是一种提升你在 akhirah 中的崇拜形式!

伟大的伊斯兰教学者伊本·基伊姆说 ‘The mansions of jannah are built upon dhikr. 如果你停止做dhikr, 天使停止建造你的豪宅。’

The beauty of dhikr is that it requires no effort other than moving your tongue! 实际上, the Prophet SAW told us to keep our tongues moist with the remembrance of Allah:

Abdullah ibn Busr reported that two men came to the Prophet SAW, and one of them said, “Who is the best man, 当他们看到惩罚?” The Prophet SAW said, “One who has a long life filled with good deeds.” The other man said, “的确, the laws of Islam are too many for us, so give us something comprehensive we can hold onto.” The Prophet said, “Keep your tongue wet with the remembrance of Allah the Exalted.”

(艾哈迈德, authenticated by Sheikh Albani)

在另一个圣训中, 先知 SAW 说:

“难道我不能告诉你你最好的行动吗, 在你的主眼中是最纯洁的, 这会将您的等级提升到最高, 哪个比花金银更适合你, 比遇到你的敌人更好,这样你就打他们的脖子,他们打你的脖子?’ 他们回复了: '是的, 的确,’ 他说: ‘这是对安拉的纪念。”


Dhikr can be many things which include:

  • 塔克比尔 is to proclaim the greatness of Allah by saying Allahu Akbar (Allah is Great!)
  • 塔米德 is to praise Allah by saying Alhamdulillah (All Praise belongs to Allah)
  • 塔利尔 is to declare the oneness of Allah by saying La ilaaha il-lal-laah (There is none worthy of worship except Allah)
  • 塔斯比 is to glorify Allah by saying Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah)
  • 伊斯蒂法尔 is to seek Allah’s forgiveness by saying Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaihi (I seek Allah’s forgiveness and I turn to Him in repentance)

Abu Hurairah RA 报告说,先知 SAW 说:

他说,Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdih (荣耀和赞美归于真主) 一天一百次, 他的罪孽将被抹去,即使它们等于大海泡沫的程度. (布哈里与穆斯林)

持续的dhikr的回报是如此之大, 即使是大罪也可以被抹去. Zaid ibn Harithah 讲述了先知 SAW 说:


Astaghfirullaha al-`Azeem al-ladhi la ilaha illa howa Al-Hayy al-Qayyum wa atubu illayh

(我请求真主的宽恕, 壮丽的, 比谁都没有神, 活着的, 存在的维持者, 我向他悔改,)

即使他应该逃离战场,他的罪也会被赦免. (Abu Dawud 并由 Al-Albani 认证)

不断请求真主向你展示一个梦想,如果你根本没有看到一个梦想,你仍然会被真主引导,通过环境的改变或你的内心和你对那件事的感受的改变, if you add dhikr to your daily habits, it will elevate your position with Allah SWT, erase bad deeds and cause your scales to weigh heavy on the day of Resurrection!

愿真主 SWT 使我们成为他所爱的人,因为我们不断的 dhikr ameen!


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