Izingobo zomlando zanyanga zonke: July 2015

Ithiphu Yesonto

Ukuzila EShaban

Umshado Omsulwa | | 1 Phawula

Paradise is a wonderous place, full of things that the eyes have never seen and the mind cannot even imagine. Wathi uMprofethi SAW: “In Paradise there are rooms that...

Ithiphu Yesonto

Ingozi Yokona Emphakathini

Umshado Omsulwa | | 0 Amazwana

There are two kinds of people on this Earththose who sin and keep their sins private, recognizing they have done wrong and seeking forgiveness from Allah SWT. And...

Ithiphu Yesonto

Ukugcina Izibopho Zomndeni

Umshado Omsulwa | | 0 Amazwana

Observing the ties of kinship is one of the most important basics of our deen, and not honouring these ties not only removes you from Allah’s Mercy, but also deprives...

Ithiphu Yesonto

Qaphela Ukukhuluma Kakhulu

Umshado Omsulwa | | 0 Amazwana

Being a chatterbox isn’t the best of traits to haveespecially when you talk unnecessarily and without the mention of Allah. Ngempela, speaking too much can lead to the...